My Baby Diaries

Life. At Its Finest.

Tired. Very Tired. March 28, 2008

Filed under: baby development,mommy woes — Alveel Kaith @ 5:48 am

my doctor says i should steer clear of stress and pressure these days.  i should forget taking long walks for the meantime and i have this vision of me, just being strapped into either my bed or chair for the next weeks.

my baby’s already on the lower “level” of my uterus and any unnecessary strenuous activity might push it down all the more.  and i am still on my 32nd week.  i’ve been feeling really tired lately, and my thighs almost always feel like boulders – heavy and painful to move.

now if worse comes to worst, i have decided to head home as early as first week of may.  i need the reliever to come in 3rd week of april.  and that is what, two weeks from now?  argh.  days whiz you by just when you want it to slow down.  i am afraid i have to cancel my dumaguete trip because i know, my numerous travels as early as last year have contributed to my physical stress.

what i am really praying for now is for the baby to wait until at least last week of may to come out.  i guess we have to have a pep talk. 😉


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